Client Complaint Process

At TVCC, we believe that the children and families that we work with deserve the best possible services. We work hard to make sure that the help we give is professional, and that it is offered in a way that respects the rights and individual needs of each child and family we see.

We know that there are times when a child, family or community professional may not be fully satisfied with our services. When this happens, we encourage you to let us know.  We have a complaint procedure that you can use to let us know when there is a problem.  We will work with you to find a solution. We encourage you to express your concerns, as we strive to improve and this will not affect the availability of services to you and your family.  We also welcome your feedback if you are especially happy with our service.

Step I

We ask that you first address your concern directly with the staff member involved. They will listen, discuss the issue with you and suggest ways to solve the difficulty. If this does not help, or you do not feel comfortable addressing your concern with the staff member, you can ask to speak with their Manager.  Our receptionist can connect you with this individual.

Step II

A Manager will call you within five working days. They will speak with you about your point of view and your wishes. They will offer ideas on how your issue can be resolved. If this effort is not sufficient, you can ask to speak with the Director.

Step III

You will hear from a Director within three working days. Again, there will be a discussion and suggestions for resolution. If this still does not help, you can speak with the Chief Executive Officer.

Step IV

The Chief Executive Officer will listen to your concerns and, with others, try to settle the outstanding disagreements.

We want to work with you.  However, if you feel that this process has been unsuccessful or you do not feel secure discussing your concern directly with us, there are other choices you can make. You can contact one of the following:

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services:

Louise Lavery, Program Supervisor (MCCSS West region)
Email: Scott.Gregory [at] (Louise[dot]Lavery[at]ontario[dot]ca)
Phone: 289-237-6220