iCan Bike Camp's Successful Return with TVCC and iCan Shine

TVCC and iCan Shine teamed up last week to revive the much-anticipated iCan Bike Camp, which was put on hold due to COVID-19. Held at London's Stronach Arena and Community Centre, the camp was a resounding success, thanks to the unwavering dedication of 25 enthusiastic volunteers!

From July 10th to July 14th, 29 brave riders, aged 8 to 18, geared up to conquer the art of riding a conventional two-wheel bicycle. With sheer determination and unwavering support, they transformed from wobbly beginners to confident riders, surpassing all expectations.

A big shout-out goes to our amazing volunteers! Throughout the week, they cheered on our riders and kept the positive vibes flowing, making this fantastic experience possible. We are immensely grateful for their invaluable contributions.

iCan Bike is more than just bike riding; it's about empowering individuals with disabilities to gain independence on two wheels. Recent research shows that over 80% of people with Autism and an impressive 90% of those with Down Syndrome never get the opportunity to ride a bike. iCan Bike is on a mission to change that statistic.

The Stronach Arena was filled with joyous moments as families witnessed their loved ones achieving milestones they once thought were unattainable. These heartwarming moments showcased the enchanting magic of iCanBike and the indomitable spirit of our riders.

As the iCan Bike Camp concluded, we experienced mixed emotions – a touch of sadness to say goodbye but overwhelming gratitude for the cherished memories. Our sincere thanks go to our dedicated staff, volunteers, families, and participants for making iCan Bike an outstanding success.

Until we meet again, remember to keep smiling, keep riding, and keep shining! We can't wait to see you all next time!

Check out some photos from the event below!