External Resources Re: Childhood Development

External information and resources about childhood development:

A research centre dedicated to supporting children and youth with developmental conditions. CANCHILD.CA 

A free resource to help parents support their child's development. PATHWAYS.ORG

A health education website for children, youth and their caregivers.AboutKidsHealth.cA

A website full of fun games and activities to help your child learn, grow and thrive. Play & Learn - MacHealth

Hypertonia and Hypotonia are two technical terms to describe issues with muscle tone.Hyper/Hypotonia - Pathways.oRg

Learn how a corrective helmet is worn and helps correct the shape of your child's skull over time.Cranial Molding Helmets - AboutKidsHealth.ca

An overview of the signs, symptoms, causes and treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).Hip Dysplasia - Aboutkidshealth.ca